Posted in Relationship

Fake best friend

I’m only have two close friends, they are not acquainted, one of them is very special for me, we share the same value and we also love spirituality, we shared a lot, we laugh and cry together and have bitter and sweet memories together, and always cherish them.

I’m going to talk about my other best friend. I often doubt our friendship, we argued last night, which seems normal because friends supposed to argued a lot, but no, we are not normal, We never argued before, we were closed for five years but we never argued. And what she did to me last night was unthinkable.

 She talked to me to ask for advices, and I kindly and rather harshly give me my opinion which was the opposite of her point of view. She was in another city for a competition, she said that her colleagues did this and that to her that made her uncomfortable and she wanted to go home.

“No.” I said, “don’t do that, you will only make yourself such a loser, like you always did in high school, please don’t go home right now, just enjoy your time and ignore them…” And so on and so forth, I wasted my time to give her my opinion about what she is going to do next.

And then she replied “Okay, do you know how to ride a bus to go home from here?”

And then I was like, what the fuck?!!

She didn’t listen, of course she heard, but she didn’t take my advice into her consideration, and she made that too obvious to the point that I realized everything.

She never listened…

That moment made me flashback to so many advices I gave to her with all of my kind intention, that she never took what I said seriously, she never did what I told her to do when she asked for my opinion, what’s the point in asking, then?! She could have just do her things as she wish without waste my precious time to give her attentions that she didn’t deserve, I feel unheard, and begin to questioning this friendship.

She doesn’t need me, and I think I don’t need her either.

Maybe this is what they said about “Let go of things and relationships that no longer serve you”

I think I am too comfortable with this so called friendship that actually pointless and time and money consuming.

She didn’t reply to my previous message. Okay, great.

It’s hard for me, but I also don’t want to be in a fake and pointless friendship.